Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

News Article

Mr. Slamet - Building the FIB's Passion from Other Sides

Faculty of Humanities or Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) officially became a faculty in November 2014. As a new faculty in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Humanities, of course, have the organizational structure of governance. Drs. Bambang Lelono, M.Hum served as dean, Rezky Februansyah, S.S., I M.A as vice dean I, Dr. Elly Triasih R, S.S., M.Hum as vice dean II and Imam Subandi, S.S., M.Hum as vice dean III. Other than that positions, the head of the administration of FIB is also has an important role in the faculty.

Slamet, S.IP is someone who is believed to serve as the head of the administration of FIB. Men born 54 years ago served as head of administration at the Faculty of Humanities since this faculty was estabilish. Faculty of Humanities is lucky to have a native son of Banyumas. Pak Slamet as he usually called is an experienced in this field. Before serving as head of administration at the FIB, he has served as financial and general chief sub-section of major in nursing of UNSOED. He also was the heads of personnel sub-section in the Medical Faculty. Later, the man who graduated from the Universitas Terbuka Purwokerto got a promotion to redeployed into a new faculty, the Faculty of Humanities.

Served as head of administration at the Faculty of Humanities is not easy. as the head of the administration of FIB, he is responsible for personnel and administration, set up protocol issue then prepare the agendas in the Faculty of Humanities. Sometime, he immediately stepped in to help his men organize in the field such as cleaning service’s schedule in the Faculty of Humanities. If there are reports of existing infrastructure breakdown in the FIB, he also fix it up directly ask about the breakdown condition to the responsible employees. The impact of his working methods is real, the employees who look less of care and less of compact when FIB is early formed has now changed to the better condition. All the employees is well-organized, compact and full of passion. According to Mr. Slamet, it is one of the fast response action that became his principle for serving in FIB.

During his tenure as head of the administration in the Faculty of Humanities, Mr.Slamet never complained about the situation. According to him, the work was to be done with passion and a sense of patience because his work is the mandate of Allah SWT. In the future, Pak Slamet hope that in five years FIB can be aligned with other faculty who are already standing in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

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